Join us to Support 250 Girls in Earthquake Region to continue their education

The impact of the earthquakes on girls and women was shaped by a combination of social, economic, and cultural factors that intersect with gender. It is important to prioritize education in the aftermath of an earthquake and ensure that girls and women have access to safe, accessible, and quality education. This can help mitigate the risk of dropping out of school and promote their long-term well-being and empowerment.

The earthquakes resulted in the displacement of families and communities, forcing them to relocate to new areas, which disrupted the schooling of girls and women.

The earthquakes also resulted in economic hardship, which led to increased pressure on girls and women to drop out of school and work to support their families.

Girls and women are often the primary caregivers for children and the elderly, and there is an increased need for caregiving, as well as additional household chores and responsibilities.

All these factors made it more difficult for girls and women to attend school regularly or complete their education. Let's help women and girls continue their education. Together, we can ensure that 250 girls can continue their education!

Please, join us supporting them with your donations.

- The members and friends of the İTÜ Alumni Association.

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